Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hot August Nites

September 4, 2012

Well, why yes we are still in Iowa and yes we are still waiting – 9 months tomorrow we’ve been here! We have to admit that we are starting to get a little bummed at times and want to go HOME! After a time of this, then we realize again how fortunate we are, but really, isn’t it about time?????
We did have another “call” last Wednesday – we were attending a matinee at a theater out at Amana and just as it was starting we got a call from the hospital telling us that they had a liver for Charlie and that we needed to come immediately! So we, along with my brother and wife, headed back to Iowa City. About half way back, we got another call saying don’t come right away just wait until we call you – “the doctor had some things to sort out yet with the organ.” So we waited and waited and finally we found out that it was a “no go!” Needless, to say, we were really upset! What a roller coaster of emotions we are on….. We just need to keep reminding ourselves that the “right one” for Charlie will come along!!
I had a fun visit with four dear school friends – 3 from Des Moines and one who lives in MN. They came for lunch and then we had a great time playing cards. It has been a big bonus being able to catch up with these friends – we have known each other for hum, can I say, over 60 years!! Marty, who lives in MN, and I started to kindergarten together!
We really love this apartment and the space we have is just amazing after spending 8 months in a hotel room! We have gotten some flowers so Charlie has his “garden” to take care of….we will include a picture! Our patio is really quite large – 40 feet by almost 8 feet.
Charlie has been feeling much better the last couple of weeks – all things considered! We are very thankful for this. He is scheduled for another endoscopy next week. The last 2 of these have not required any banding of varices which was good. Hopefully, this will be the same!
This weekend will be the first home football game – the big rival game with Iowa State University and, from what everyone tells us, the town explodes with people and excitement.
By the way, we did get to go back Sunday to Amana and see the play that we had to leave – it was:  “A Second Helping: The Church Basement Ladies Sequel. It was inspired by a book, “Growing up Lutheran” by Greta Crosch. It was hilarious – and sure reminded me of when I was growing up Lutheran in Des Moines and all of our events in the church basement.

As always, we miss you all and hope to be back in California by Christmas……..?????????


  1. We could get Charlie a few rolls of sod so he could mow/water/fertilize?!? Miss you all too!!! -Tom

  2. 9 months!! The baby should be here any day!

    rose and bob
