Sunday, August 5, 2012

Frying In Iowa

Sunday, August 05, 2012 Guess where we are, no, we are not heading home, we are still waiting – we have been here 8 months today, but as we said before, who is counting??!!! July was interesting…. it was a more difficult month for Charlie, health wise. We are having a harder time keeping the one medicine regulated which if it isn’t right for him (which can change daily) he suffers from the hepatic encephalopathy – a big side effect of liver disease.On the plus side, we had several visitors during July. First, Marlene and Jerry, good friends from home, were here and Charlie and I both commented about how nice it was to have great laughs with good friends! Marlene and I taught school together for about 14 years in Roseville and we live about a mile apart. Jerry and Charlie, both retired Air Force guys, have lots to talk about. Then Doug and our middle grandson, Everett, came a few days later which was so nice. (We so miss our grandkids!!) Everett is my little buddy who will start to kindergarten this fall! Our last visitor, Brad, is a friend of Doug’s from his college days here. We got to meet his family which was fun.
The really BIG news for us is that we are now in an apartment, in the same building, on the 9th floor. (The hotel  is on floors 4 to 6, apartments 7 to 9, and then condos on 10 to 12.) The owner called us the first part of July and wanted to know if we were interested – you bet we were!! Living for almost 8 months in a hotel room, nice as it was, was getting to be way too much togetherness! There was no way to escape from each other!! (I would go read magazines in the library!) So now we have so much space – a real separate bedroom, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen – an actual oven and full size refrigerator, storage room with a washer/dryer, large living room area, and a huge balcony!!! It will actually cost a little less than what we were paying before so we just feel so fortunate! We just marvel at the space we have now!! Plus, we have underground parking which will be so nice when the snow comes – did I really say that??
We are beginning to wonder what Christmas will be like here! Actually, my favorite season in Iowa is fall and we will definitely get to experience it now. (The first football game is August 24th!) We were told by the doctor that from the day of transplant for Charlie we can figure that we will be here almost 3 months from that day.
July was also extremely hot here – in the 90’s pretty much every day and it doesn’t cool off that much so you can turn the A/C off. Yesterday, we had a big thunderstorm and finally got some much needed rain. We need a whole lot more though.
We will enclose some pictures of our apartment, friends, and family! We miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Mary and Charlie, Your apartment looks beautiful. I'm so glad you got more space and for less money - go figure. I wish we were closer and could visit.

    You guys are amazing and doing a great job of making the best of a long difficult situation. Thanks so much for the updates. We love hearing from you and look forward to the best news of all - Charlie's in the hospital with a new liver.

    Keep taking care. Love, Elise
