Monday, April 23, 2012

 Can you believe that it is almost May? And…..we have been here almost 4 months! Pretty soon we should be able to change our place of residence! Or, we can start checking on getting football tickets…..hmmm, all options!!!
Anyway, we had a wonderful time with Sam and Doug. They came in Thursday afternoon and left on Sunday – we sure hated to see them leave.  We did get to do a lot of fun things. The U of IA football team was having a workout in Kinnick Stadium and one gate was unlocked so we were able to get in  and Doug could show Sam a Big 10 Football stadium! ( We did get kicked out!)  Doug did his requisite shopping for Iowa Hawkeye clothes and got to visit some of his favorite places from when he attended school here.
Saturday morning we went outside of Iowa City to the Coralville Dam where there is the Devonian Fossil Gorge. Did you know that Iowa was once south of the equator and was actually like the Caribbean Sea today. As a result of the last 2 floods at the Coralville Spillway, the Devonian Fossil Gorge was exposed. These fossils are almost 200 million years older that the dinosaurs – Charlie says at least as old as he is! It is quite a fascinating place and we did see lots of fossils – Sam was a great explorer.
The weekend passed too fast and we sure wanted to get on the plane with them when they left!
We have been watching the following site – – it is an eagle cam in Decorah, Iowa which is in northeast part of the state. Mom and Dad eagle have 3 babies that are about 3 weeks old. We have been watching them from the egg stage and it is so fascinating and informative. They have had millions of viewers from all over the world. (Now you know what keeps us busy!)
We have lots of pictures for you this time!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day Almost

Maybe a liver will come on Tax Day?????? – well, this last Tuesday, we did get a call to be on “stand- by”  (unbeknownst to us, Charlie had been moved to number 2 because of someone with a higher MELD score in his blood type)  – so the nurse called us and said the surgeon wanted to know how Charlie was feeling. They had a liver in his blood type, but they were not sure whether the number 1 guy would be able to stand the surgery. It seems that he was quite sick. The nurse said that she would call within two hours if they wanted Charlie to come. Alas, no call, we figure that the guy needed it faster than Charlie does. (For the record, I have always known that Charlie was pretty “laid back” but would you believe that after we got the “stand-by call” he promptly took a nap! I thought, only Charlie could do that, I, on the other hand, was getting things ready to go and mentally on “high alert!” For the time being, Charlie is number one again for his blood type!
We did take an overnight outing to Des Moines on Wednesday. I met girlfriends from high school and even grade school for lunch. There were 12 of us…it was a fun time. One of the other husbands came and Charlie had lunch with him at another place.  We then spent the rest of the day doing all the things that I like to see and do in Des Moines plus go to Costco and Trader Joes!!!!!!  We ate dinner at PFChangs! We have really been missing that place.
Thursday would have been my Mom’s 103rd birthday so we visited her gravesite before leaving Des Moines. Then on the way back here, we stopped at various places from childhood - a park famous for their lilacs, a lake where we saw an eagle and its nest, and finally we stopped at Pella, which is a Dutch town with lots of beautiful tulips, buildings that make you think you were in Holland, and a yummy bakery! It was really nice to get away.
Boy did we have a storm last night – I had forgotten what the lightning and thunderstorms are like – wowsa – we were watching a video and knew it was bad out, but then the sirens started going off! We were in midst of a severe storm watch, but not a tornado. We certainly saw a fine display of lightning from our windows!
This Thursday, Doug and Sam are flying in for a long weekend and we are so excited! We are finding that not seeing the grandkids as often as we are use to has been  one of the hardest things for us!
So by for now – we are thinking of you all!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hospital Trial Run

It has been a while so we thought that we would try to get a blog post off to you all. Tomorrow is our 3 month anniversary of being in Iowa. We truly thought that we would be heading back home sometime soon, wrong, even if Charlie would get the “call” today we are looking at 2 to 3 months from the call.
It is absolutely beautiful here now and really, for the most part, the temperatures have been in the 60’s and 70’s for the past month. Everything is blooming – it really is a lovely time to be in Iowa! The Iowans truly feel that winter was a no-show this year.
We thought that we would do a trial run to see what the hospital is like. Well, not really, but I did take Charlie to the ER on Friday night. He had been having quite a hard week with the hepatic encephalopathy which is common with cirrhosis patients and which needs to be watched carefully. So they admitted him and he was there until Monday late afternoon. His is fine now – they upped his medicine that helps to control the ammonia levels which contributes to the encephalopathy. We are very impressed with the University Hospitals and feel very confident that they will be handling the transplant procedure.
My brother’s 2 children were here with the grandchildren over the weekend and it was so fun to see them. I hadn’t seen my niece, Debbie, for about 4 years.
We just continue to fill our days with outings and enjoying this area. We are so excited – we got a call from Doug and he is coming April 19th for a long weekend and bringing Sam, our oldest grandson.
Again, we want to thank you all of you for your continued prayers for us – that means a lot to us!
Hopefully, the next time you hear from us it will be to say – “We got the call” and we are on our way to the hospital!