Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day Almost

Maybe a liver will come on Tax Day?????? – well, this last Tuesday, we did get a call to be on “stand- by”  (unbeknownst to us, Charlie had been moved to number 2 because of someone with a higher MELD score in his blood type)  – so the nurse called us and said the surgeon wanted to know how Charlie was feeling. They had a liver in his blood type, but they were not sure whether the number 1 guy would be able to stand the surgery. It seems that he was quite sick. The nurse said that she would call within two hours if they wanted Charlie to come. Alas, no call, we figure that the guy needed it faster than Charlie does. (For the record, I have always known that Charlie was pretty “laid back” but would you believe that after we got the “stand-by call” he promptly took a nap! I thought, only Charlie could do that, I, on the other hand, was getting things ready to go and mentally on “high alert!” For the time being, Charlie is number one again for his blood type!
We did take an overnight outing to Des Moines on Wednesday. I met girlfriends from high school and even grade school for lunch. There were 12 of us…it was a fun time. One of the other husbands came and Charlie had lunch with him at another place.  We then spent the rest of the day doing all the things that I like to see and do in Des Moines plus go to Costco and Trader Joes!!!!!!  We ate dinner at PFChangs! We have really been missing that place.
Thursday would have been my Mom’s 103rd birthday so we visited her gravesite before leaving Des Moines. Then on the way back here, we stopped at various places from childhood - a park famous for their lilacs, a lake where we saw an eagle and its nest, and finally we stopped at Pella, which is a Dutch town with lots of beautiful tulips, buildings that make you think you were in Holland, and a yummy bakery! It was really nice to get away.
Boy did we have a storm last night – I had forgotten what the lightning and thunderstorms are like – wowsa – we were watching a video and knew it was bad out, but then the sirens started going off! We were in midst of a severe storm watch, but not a tornado. We certainly saw a fine display of lightning from our windows!
This Thursday, Doug and Sam are flying in for a long weekend and we are so excited! We are finding that not seeing the grandkids as often as we are use to has been  one of the hardest things for us!
So by for now – we are thinking of you all!


  1. Love the tulips. Thanks for sharing. Love the eagle next picture too. Okay, Charlie, so I was off a week in my predictions. This is the week you will be getting the transplant--zeroing in on the prayers here!! Rose & Bob

  2. Mary!
    I am so glad you contacted me through FB! It has been ages!
    I was so excited when I saw your cute little picture!
    I love blogging too! I am a new follower!
    Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

  3. Hi Reagan -
    Good to connect with you - Linda Chapman does keep us filled in about you . I can't believe your kids are preteens! Texas has sure scored getting you as a teacher! Have you heard of the website about the Decorah eagles? It is: From watching it and reading the chat room it seems like there are several classrooms watching it and people all over the world.
    Take care!!!
