Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exit Plans to California

Well, we are starting to get some plans in place for heading home. As it stands now, we are flying home on June 21st. Meg is flying here on the morning of the 20th to help us get home. The next week, she, Jen, and Lucy are flying here to pick up our car and then have a road trip to CA.

After I posted the last blog, Charlie did spend a week in the hospital – I took him in for the encephalopathy and after taking a chest x-ray they found out that he had what they called a “hospital infection” or pneumonia. They figured that this was what had set off the confusion again. So he was on IV antibiotics all week.  He has been home almost a week and is doing well.  He has several doctor appointments along with procedures – endoscopy and paracentesis lined up before we leave.

We have decided not to do some traveling around here and that we had best get home and get settled there again. We are going to miss Iowa City – it really is a great place and was just listed in the “Top Ten University towns.” We have loved our apartment and its location, but it will certainly be nice to be home again and to be with all of you.

Last Sunday 3 of my girlfriends from Des Moines came up to visit and we had a fun lunch and enjoyed playing some cards. It has been such a plus to be able to get reacquainted with them!

Doug will be here for a couple of days next weekend on his way to Chicago on business.  I have big plans for him!! We have packed up many boxes that need to be mailed home and he can provide the muscles to help me get them mailed.

Boy have we been having the severe weather – tons of rain (we are in a flood warning) and it is so humid! Last year we did not have hardly any rain and now this one is so rainy that the farmers can not get into the fields to plant.

Looking out the window I see that the latest storm has passed by now on to the next one coming through.

Please keep us in your prayers for a safe trip home with Charlie.
Mary and Charlie

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