Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

Well it has been almost a month since our “trial run” and we are waiting, waiting….. (We actually have started wondering where we will put “the Christmas tree!)  The way it is going we will be here until September or later. We may actually get to see a football game!
The middle of May we went to Des Moines for the weekend and we had a nice time with my school girlfriends and visiting my favorite places in Des Moines. Since it was close to Memorial Day, we planted some flowers on my parent’s grave site which we usually don’t get the chance to do.
Charlie has been doing pretty well – he did spend a couple of days in the hospital the weekend before last. One of the medicines that he has to take was causing problems. He is doing OK now, but so ready to get this transplant on its way!!
We are enjoying downtown Iowa City. It is certainly a different place without the students!   On the weekends there are concerts on the pedestrian mall outside the hotel and twice a week there is a big farmer’s market about a block from us.  (We can’t wait for the Iowa sweet corn – there is nothing like it fresh from the farmer’s pickups!)   Last weekend was the Summer Art’s Festival which had venues all over downtown. We bought a garden decoration which we hope to put in the yard in the not so distant future!
We have quite a few pictures this time: the first is a sculpture outside the hotel entitled – “The Tie that Binds,” next is Charlie with our garden metal design, 

then Purple Martin bird houses that are all over the countryside here, 
Old Capital during the festival, and finally, clouds (our hotel is on the right and the library on the left.) Iowa has the most beautiful clouds!!

We miss you all.


  1. I always heard Iowa City was really nice in the summer! Keeping hanging in there and know we love you and are thinking of you!

  2. Wow, I wish I could visit and enjoy the market and fresh corn with you!!! Having enjoyed the corn in DeKalb, Ill, I know how good it is. Have you thought about writing a book? Waiting for a liver - the adventures of Charlie and Mary Brown. It actually would probably help other people going through it.

    You guys keep hanging in there. We wish we could help make it happen sooner. Love you, Elise
