Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mill Around Mill

February 23, 2012

There is a military command given in a joking manner when you are in place, ready to go and nothing is happening -- Mill Around, Mill. We are practicing it now!

Well, we have been here 7 weeks today and in our minds we are starting to think that we might be spending the summer here! Or maybe even football season…..I really do love the fall season in Iowa! It is not that we don’t like Iowa City (we do very much) or that we are not happy with our living arrangements (we are quite happy with them), or that we don’t realize how fortunate we are (we do feel very fortunate), but……..let’s get this “liver show” on the road!! Charlie has even started making up funny songs about livers! I will furnish it when it is done.

The great weather has continued – today we have had rain which at times was more like snow, but quickly melted upon hitting the ground. We could not have asked for a nicer winter.

We had a delightful visit with Meg and Lucy – she is the happiest child just skipping through the days. She loved the “apartment life” with the elevator, automatic door openers, looking all over the city from high up, etc. She can make everything a fun event. We visited parks, story time at the library, and the wonderful Children’s Museum that is here. It was really great having them here. The time flew by and we put them on the plane yesterday morning.

The pictures of Lucy are on the kids train tracks at City Park, the climbing wall at the museum, and then Dr. Lucy at the museum.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs. You guys have the best attitude!
    I can see in Lucy's face how happy she was to be there with you two. Nothing like a 4 year old to help the time go by and to cheer everyone.
    Ok, I agree, enough milling around!(thanks for explaining that term.)
    Love you both! Elise & Jim
