Monday, January 23, 2012

Waiting, Looking and Being Ready

At old Capital on the University of IA campus, Lucy's picture, and snow outside our building

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well, no “call” yet – we keep our cell phones handy and charged up at all times. We also have a "go" bag packed just like you do in the last weeks of a pregnancy! The coming week involves an endoscopy tomorrow – the 17th one, then on Tuesday, a bone density test, and on Thursday we see the liver specialist. Hopefully, this will be the last endoscopy – Charlie is so ready to get the call and get the transplant going! His spirits are good, but I can tell he is getting “antsy!”

We have been having some snow and ice – we had to scrape car windows today and I almost fell down walking to the church close by.

We keep busy roaming around Iowa City, reading, and exercising – that is the first item on the agenda for Charlie every day.

We have included more pictures – one shows Charlie holding a picture that Lucy made for him, Meg and Doug while they were here, Charlie in front of Old Capitol in downtown Iowa City, and the picture of us going to the Iowa-Michigan basketball game.

We enjoyed hearing from you and hope that all is well.

Charlie and Mary

Off to the game, Iowa Basketball, Meg and Doug, and ice sculpture at the Coralville Ice Festival


  1. Now that our snow is gone that liver can come now!!!

  2. We are praying for you guys. Stay safe, warm and get ready to start traveling to Ireland in September!!
