Sunday, June 9, 2013

Changing Plans  June 9th

Well, things have taken another turn here. Last Sunday, on the way into church, Charlie tripped and fell on the sidewalk! We found out quite fast that there are a lot of medical people that attended that church. Charlie was instantly surrounded with help – it was amazing! In the ER we found out that he had cracked a rib, his pelvis, and sacrum. They hospitalized him and started giving him morphine which ended up after a couple of days of really messing him up. (So now all he gets is Tylenol – his liver cannot process any heavy pain meds.) Wednesday came along with the news that he was VERY low in sodium and was started on IV’s with sodium. So now we have him coping with getting the morphine out of his system, low sodium which can cause confusion, and the hepatic encephalopathy 
which is confusion! Poor guy – on Friday he was transferred to a skilled nursing/rehab facility.

Fortunately, Doug arrived on Friday and was a big help. We got 5 big boxes mailed home and more things taken to Goodwill. Meg has been working on the other end of speeding up our return home and has been talking to a rehab place in Roseville. We had originally planned on flying home on the 21st, but the plan now is to try to fly home this Friday, the 14th. We feel that we need to get Charlie home! So Meg and Lucy are arriving here on Wednesday, the 12th.

So we would love your prayers and thoughts as we go through this week that all the plans will fall in place to get Charlie home and that the flights will go very smoothly for him. And…….that Charlie is feeling good!!

Thank you everyone!!

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